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Cannabiglendol-C3 was founded by Turner in 1981, and even after four decades, we do not have enough information related to its therapeutic benefits and possible interaction with other cannabinoids. Cannabiglendol-C3 is isolated from an Indian variant of cannabis sativa cultivated in Mississippi. It is a derivative of CBD and is considered a hydroxyl-derivative, i.e., a functional cannabis group with the chemical formula OH. 

Since cannabiglendol-C3 is like cannabinol (CBN), scientists predict that the compound may be able to interact with cannabinoid receptors and simulate the same therapeutic benefits. Right now, we are unsure of the connection between these two. Other than sharing the same parent, cannabiglendol-C3 is a hydroxyl derivative.


The working nature of Cannabiglendol-C3


As stated earlier, cannabiglendol-C3 is an uncategorized (miscellaneous) cannabinoid. Information concerning its interaction with cannabinoid receptors is still unidentified. Based on its relationship with CBN, we can anticipate that Cannabiglendol-C3 may be slightly psychoactive. Researchers believe that cannabiglendol-C3 can exhibit a completely different interaction with cannabinoid receptors. 

The problem with cannabiglendol-C3 is that it is available in small quantities, and thus, it is extremely rare and too costly to conduct a detailed study. With a further restrictions on cannabis, it is impossible to figure out the working nature of Cannabiglendol-C3. 


Interesting Facts
•    Cannabiglendol-C3 was extracted from the Indian variants of cannabis sativa plants.
•    Cannabiglendol-C3 shares similar structure with the mildly psychoactive Cannabinol (CBN).
•    Cannabiglendol-C3 is also known as 8-OH-sisohexaliydrocannabinol.


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