Primary EndoCannabinoids
Cannabicyclolic Acid (CBLA)
CBLA is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid present in Cannabis. CBLA is a relatively unusual chemical due to its non-psychoactive nature.
Keep in mind that Cannabigerol (CBGA) from marijuana plants creates cannabinoids such as CBL, CBC, and CBLA when heated to a certain temperature. As you might expect, different temperatures and durations produce diverse molecular reactions.
When was CBLA first discovered?
CBLA was discovered in 1972. THC III was given to Cannabicyclol (CBL-C5) since it was thought to have a THC-like structure. It was isolated in 1967, dubbed cannabicyclol/cannabipinol, and its structure was altered.
Because of the debate regarding the compound's origin, the photochemical conversion of cannabichromene into cannabicyclol spurred another alteration of the original structure.
As a result, it is not considered an original cannabinoid, yet it is one of the most heat resistant cannabinoid acids. CBLA is also stated to be resistant to decarboxylation, resulting in the formation of trace quantities of CBL when heated.
The working nature of CBLA
Considering cannabis does not naturally generate a substantial amount of cannabicyclolic acid, there isn't much scientific information available. When subjected to environmental changes such as changes in light patterns or temperature variations, cannabichromenic acid (CBCA) is transformed into cannabicyclolic acid.
It transforms to cannabicyclolic from cannabichromenic acid (CBCA), a rare, non-intoxicating chemical. CBLA, which is derived from the degradation of another molecule, has been found to alleviate inflammation in studies.
As per the researchers, CBLA can offers nearly the same benefits as several other cannabinoids, which may include:
• Reduces anxiety
• Reduces inflammation
• Relieves pain
• Controls nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy
• Relaxes muscles
• Reduces tumor
• And can also be used to minimize solvent costs